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姓名: 杨纯斌
学位: 理学博士
职称: 三级教授,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴
出生地: 湖北,武汉
电话: 67867737(办) EMAIL: cbyang@mail.ccnu.edu.cn 

II. 学位阶段经历

III. 科研活动
  1. 相对论重离子碰撞中多粒子产生机制及涨落与关联的理论与实验研究
  2. 复杂系统理论的研究

IV. 科研项目
   超相对论重离子碰撞中软产生的模型研究 (03113)
LHC能区铅-铅碰撞中夸克物质与喷注相互作用的唯象研究 (11075061)
   强子化动力学与LHC能区铅-铅碰撞中粒子产生 (10775057)
   超高能碰撞中强子化的夸克再结合机制 (10475032)
   夸克-强子相变中起伏与关联的模型研究 (10075035)

V. 国外研究经历
     美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
     美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
     挪威Bergen大学短期访问(1月) 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
     美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
     美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
    美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
    美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
    美国Oregon大学研究访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
    德国慕尼黑, 马克 -普朗克物理研究所 洪堡基金研究学者,参加NA49国际合作组 相对论性铅-铅碰撞实验数据分析研究
    德国柏林大学理论物理研究所 德国科学基金会 (DFG)资助,访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究
匈牙利,布达佩斯,匈牙利科学院 KFKI核物理与粒子物理研究所 国家留学基金,访问学者 从事相对论性重离子碰撞理论研究 

VI. 获奖情况

1. Y.J. Deng, H. Zheng and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Effect of correlations on the exponents for the power-law distributions in self-organized criticality, Commun. Theor. Phys. 58, 313-316 (2012)
2. S.S. Xiao and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Critical fluctuations in the Bak- Sneppen model, Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 154 (2012)
3. R.C. Hwa and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Local multiplicity fluctuations as a signature of critical hadronization in heavy-ion collisions at TeV energies, Phys. Rev. C 85. 044914 (2012)
4. X. Wang and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Energy and centrality dependence of higher order moments of net-proton distributions in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C 85. 044905 (2012)
5. Yang C B (杨纯斌) and X. Wang, Baryon production and net-proton distributions in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C 84, 064908 (2011)
6. R. Peng and Yang C B (杨纯斌),J/ψ production and the elliptic flow parameter v2 at LHC energy, Phys.Scripta 84, 035202 (2011)
7. R. Peng and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Productions of Heavy Flavored Mesons in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions in the Recombination Model, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E20, 1213-1226 (2011)
8. R.D. Huang, X. Cai, W.Y. Qian and C.B. Yang (杨纯斌), Distributions and correlations of constituent quarks in jets, Chin. Phys. C 35, 561-566 (2011)
9. R.C. Hwa and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Ridge Formation Induced by Jets in pp Collisions at 7 TeV, Phys.Rev. C 83, 024911 (2011)
10. R. Peng and Yang C B (杨纯斌), π − J/ψ correlation and elliptic flow parameter v2 of charmed mesons at RHIC energy, Chin. Phys. C 35, 453 (2011)
11. R. Peng and Yang C B (杨纯斌), J/ψ Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV in the Recombination Model, Nucl. Phys. A 837, 54-64 (2010)
12. R.C. Hwa and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Scaling behavior of the azimuthal and centrality dependencies of jet production in heavy-ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C 81, 024908 (2010)
13. R.C. Hwa and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Hadron Correlation in Jets on the Near and Away Sides of High-p(T) Triggers in Heavy-ion Collisions, Phys. Rev. C 79, 044908 (2009)
14. L.L. Zhu and C.B. Yang, A self-consistent thermodynamical quasiparticle description of QGP, Nucl.Phys.A831, 49-58 (2009)
15. Fang-Lan Zheng, C. B. Yang, Scaling p(T) distribution in small rapidity region and pseudorapidity asymmetry for charged hadron in d + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200 GeV, Commun.Theor.Phys.49, 1580- 1582 (2008)
16. L.L. Zhu, H. Zheng and Yang C B (杨纯斌), On the multiplicity depen- dence
of pT spectra in pp  collisions at √sN N =200 GeV Nucl. Phys. A 809, 259 (2008)
17. Chiu C B, Hwa R C and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Azimuthal anisotropy: Ridges, recombination, and breaking of quark number scaling
Phys.Rev.C78, 044903 (2008)
18. Zhang Y X, Qian W Y, Yang C B (杨纯斌),Multifractal structure of pseudorapidity and azimuthal distributions of the shower particles in Au+Au collisions at 200 A GeV Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 23, 2809 (2008)
19. ZhuLL,ZhengHandYangCB(杨纯斌),ScalingBehaviorofTransverse Kinetic Energy Distributions in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV Nuclear Physics A 802, 122 (2008)
20. Zheng H and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Uncertainties of parton distributions in a shower from recombination model nucl-th/0801.2195, J. Phys. G 35, 055003 (2008)
21. CAO, X F, DENG Z W and YANG C B (杨纯斌), On the origin of power-law distributions in self-organized criticality from random walk treatment Comm. Theo. Phys. 49, 249-251 (2008)
22. Yang C B (杨纯斌), PARTICLE PRODUCTION AT RHIC FROM QUARK RECOMBINATION Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 16, 3148 (2007)
23. Yang C B and Zheng H, Influence of finite baryon density on hadroniza- tion in nucleus-nucleus collisions via recombination J. Phys. G 34, 2063 (2007)
24. Zhang W C, Zeng Y, Nie X W, Zhu L L, Yang C B(杨纯斌), Scaling pT distributions for p and p ̄ produced in Au+Au collisions at RHIC Phys. Rev. C 76, 044910 (2007)
25. YANG C B (杨纯斌), Production of strange particles at RHIC via quark recombination
J. Phys. G 34, S965 (2007)
26. Hwa R C and Yang C B, Forward production with large p/π ratio without jet structure at any pT nucl-th/0605037, Phys. Rev. C 76, 014901 (2007)
27. Zhu L L, Yang C B(杨纯斌), Particle distribution and nuclear stopping in Au-Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 22, 1105-1112 (2007)
28. Hwa R C, Yang C B(杨纯斌), Production of strange particles at inter- mediate pt at RHIC Phys. Rev. C 75, 054904 (2007)
29. Zhu L L, Yang C B(杨纯斌), Universal scaling of pT distribution of particles in relativistic nuclear collisions Phys. Rev. C 75, 044904 (2007)
30. Ma K, Jiang J and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Scaling behavior of roughness in the two-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth Physica A 378, 194 (2007)
31. Hwa R C, Yang C B(杨纯斌), Proton enhancement at large p(T) at LHC without structure in associated-particle distribution nucl-th/0603053, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 042301 (2006)
32. Hwa R C, Yang C B(杨纯斌), Relating meson and baryon fragmentation functions by shower-parton recombination nucl-th/0601033, Phys. Rev. C 73, 064904 (2006)
33. Chi L P, Yang C B(杨纯斌) and Cai X, Stability of Random Networks under Evolution of Attack and Repair Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 263 (2006)
34. HwaRC,YangCB(杨纯斌),HadronProductionintheTrans-fragmentation Region in Heavy-Ion Collisions Phys. Rev. C 73, 044913 (2006)
35. Ma K, Yang C B (杨纯斌), Roughness of the interfaces in the Kargar- Parisi-Zhang equation Mod. Phys. Lett. B 20, 697 (2006)
36. Yang C B (杨纯斌), Finite hadronization time and unitarity in quark recombination model J. Phys. G 32, L11 (2006)
37. Tan Z G, and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Evolution of shower parton distribu- tions in a jet from quark recombination model nucl-th/0502008 , Chin.Phys. Lett. 23, 332 (2006)
38. Ma K and Yang C B (杨纯斌), Correlations in the Bak-Sneppen model from detrended fluctuation analysis Physica A 357, 455 (2005)
39. Yang C B (杨纯斌), A novel correlation function from detrended fluctu- ation analysis
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 19, 707 (2005)
40. Hwa R C, Yang C B (杨纯斌), Fries R J, Forward production in d+Au collisions by parton recombination Phys. Rev. C71, 024902 (2005)
41. Hwa R C, Yang C B (杨纯斌), Bershadskii S, Niemela J J, and Sreeni- vasan K R, Critical Fluctuation of Wind Reversals in Convective Turbu- lence Phys. Rev. E 72, 066308 (2005)
42. Hwa R C, Yang C B (杨纯斌), Dihadron Correlation in Jets Produced in Heavy-Ion Collisions nucl-th/0407081, Phys. Rev. C 70, 054902 (2004)
43. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Z.G. Tan, Medium density and parton energy loss in gold-gold collisions from the recombination model Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 2159 (2004)
44. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Proton Production in dAu Collisions and the Cronin Effect nucl-th/0404066, Phys. Rev. C70, 037901 (2004)
45. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Final-State Interaction as the Origin of the Cronin Effect Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 082302 (2004)
46. Yang,CB(杨纯斌),Theoriginofpower-lawdistributionsinself-organized criticality
(cond-mat/0403304), J. Phys. A 37, L523 (2004)
47. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Recombination of Shower Partons at High pT in Heavy-Ion Collisions Phys. Rev. C 70, 024905 (2004)
48. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Recombination of shower partons in fragmentation process Phys. Rev. C 70, 024904 (2004)
49. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Fragmentation or recombination at high pT ?
nucl-th/0403072, J. Phys. G 30, S1117 (2004)
50. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Fractional energy loss and centrality scaling
Phys. Rev. C 69, 034902 (2004)
51. Yang C B(杨纯斌), Stability of the distribution in a money exchange model
Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 215 (2004)
52. Ma K., Yang C B(杨纯斌), Cai X., Local Lyapunov exponent for the Bak-Sneppen model Chin. Phys. Lett. 20, 2118 (2003)
53. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Comparison of nuclear suppression effects on meson production at high pT and pL Phys. Rev. C 68, 024907 (2003)
54. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Centrality Scaling of the pT Distri- bution of Pions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 212301 (2003)
55. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Scaling Distributions of Quarks, Mesons and Proton for all pT , Energy and Centrality Phys. Rev. C 67, 064902 (2003)
56. Yang, C B(杨纯斌), Parton distributions of pions in the valon model Chin. Phys. Lett. 20, 821 (2003)
57. Yang,C.B(杨纯斌),EntropyintheBak-SneppenModelforSelf-Organized Criticality
Chin. Phys. Lett. 20, 328 (2003)
58. Hwa, R.C and Yang, C.B (杨纯斌), Scaling Behavior at High pT and the p/π Ratio
Phys. Rev. C 67, 034902 (2003)
59. Hwa, R.C and Yang, C.B (杨纯斌), Strangeness enhancement in the parton model
Phys. Rev. C 66, 064903 (2002)
60. Hwa, R.C and Yang, C.B (杨纯斌), Inclusive distributions for hadronic collisions in the valon-recombination model Phys. Rev. C 66, 025205 (2002)
61. Hwa, R C and Yang, C.B (杨纯斌), Parton distributions in the valon model
Phys. Rev. C 66, 025204 (2002)
62. Yang, H.Y, Zhou, D.C, Yang, C.B (杨纯斌), Cai, X, Centrality depen- dence of flow in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions Chin Phys. Lett. 19, 1082 (2002)
63. Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Fluctuations and correlations in two-dimensional Bak-Sneppen model J. Phys. A 35, 5997 (2002)
64. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X, A possible origin of power law distribu- tion in stock markets Chin. Phys. Lett, 19, 772 (2002)
65. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Charge fluctuations at disordered chiral transition
Phys. Lett. B 534, 69 (2002)
66. Hwa, R C and Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Centrality dependence of baryon and meson momentum distributions in proton-nucleus collisions Phys. Rev. C 65, 034905 (2002)
67. Yang, C.B (杨纯斌), Cai, X., and Zhou, Z.M., Understanding K/π ratio distribution in the mixed events J. Phys. G 28, 1 (2002)
68. Zhou, D.M, Wang, X.R, Yang, C B (杨纯斌), and Cai, X., Fluctuations of K/π ratios in Pb-Pb collisions at super proton synchrotron energies Chin. Phys. Lett. 18, 1044 (2001)
69. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Jump of the minimal site and new correlation function in the Bak-Sneppen model Eur. Phys. J. B 22, 375 (2001)
70. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Fluctuations and finite-size effect in the Bak-Sneppen model Eur. Phys. J. B 21, 109 (2001)
71. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Influence of statistical fluctuations on K/π ratios in relativistic heavy ion collisions Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 16, 1227 (2001)
72. Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Cai, X., and Zhou, Z.M., Spatial-temporal correla- tions in the process to self-organized criticality Phys. Rev. E61, 7243 (2000)
73. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Perturbative calculation of the scaled factorial moments in second-order quark-hadron phase transition within the Ginzburg-Landau description Phys. Rev. C61, 014902 (2000)
74. Yan W.B., Yang C B (杨纯斌) and Cai X., Scaling of multiplicity differ- ence correlators in first-order QGP phase transition Int. J. Mod. Phys., A15, 3577 (2000)
75. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Finite-size effects in critical phenomena from mean-field approach with φ4 model Commun. Theor. Phys., 32, 355 (1999)
76. Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Yan, W.B., and Cai, X., Hadronic multiplicity distribution and dynamical fluctuations under QGP phase transitions Science in China, A42, 646 (1999)
77. Yan, W.B., Yang, C B (杨纯斌), and Cai, X., On multiplicity difference correlators in second-order quark-hadron phase transition Chin. Phys. Lett. 16, 253 (1999)
78. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Scaling behavior of the multiplicity distribution under first-order quark-hadron phase transition J. Phys. G. 25, 485 (1999)
79. Cai, X., Wang, X.R., Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Zhou, Z.M., A criterion for the order of QGP phase transition Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. B71, 319 (1999)
80. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Novel scaling behavior for the multi- plicity distribution under second-order quark-hadron phase transition Phys. Rev. C58, 1183 (1998)
81. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Multiplicity difference correlators under first-order quark-hadron phase transition J. Phys. G24, 1957 (1998)
82. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Analytical investigation for multiplicity difference correlators under quark-hadron phase transition Phys. Rev. C57, 2049 (1998)
83. Zhou, D.C., Cai, X., Li, Y.D., Liu, L.S., Qian, W.Y., Wang, X.R., Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Yan, W.B., A rigidity measurement of pseudo-rapidity spectrum of produced particles in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions Chin. Phys. Lett. 15, 566 (1998)
84. Yang, C B (杨纯斌), and Cai, X., Quantitative Measure of Dynamical Fluctuations in Multi-Particle Production Int. J. Mod. Phys. A12, 2003 (1997)
85. Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Wang, X.R. and Cai, X., QGP Phase Transition and Multiplicity Fluctuations Science in China A40, 1065 (1997)
86. Cai, X., Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Zhou, Z.M., Analytical study of facto- rial moments for first- and second-order phase transitions Phys. Rev. C54, 2775 (1996).
87. Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Cai, X., Heavy-light mesons in a relativistic potential model
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88. Cai, X., Feng, S.Q., Li, Y.D., Yang, C B (杨纯斌) and Zhou, D.C., Geometrical description for the negative correlation between forward and transverse energies in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions Phys. Rev. C51, 3336 (1995).
89. Yang, C B (杨纯斌), Yin, Z.B., Cai, X., and Zhou, Z.M., A possible explanation of k/π in pp collisions Mod. Phys. Lett., A10 1393 (1995). 


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