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9/2001 – 4/2004:  Carleton University (加拿大),获数学硕士学位

9/1999 – 5/2001:    Carleton University (加拿大),获计算机硕士学位

9/1994 – 7/1997:    中科院武汉物理与数学所,获理论原子分子物理博士学位


5/2004 – 现在:    教授, 华中师范大学163am银河网页登录版地址

5/2000 – 8/2001:    研究工程师, Nortel Network (加拿大)

8/1997 – 8/1999:      博士后, Kansas State University (美国)
在著名原子分子物理学家 Chii-Dong Lin 的组里从事理论原子分子物理研究

三、 代表性论文(当前的SCI论文39篇,其中2篇被ESI列为高被引论文, SCI总引用次数1511次,https://publons.com/researcher/2924111/yong-li/ )

1. 少体原子分子体系的理论研究

01). Muhammad Saleem Shahzad and Yong Li,“Three-body bound states and structure calculations of the He-2-Ne system using the slow variable discretization method”,Physical Review A 90, 032510 (2014)

02). Qingdong Gou and Yong Li,“Reply to "Comment on 'Weakly bound states of the He-He-Ca triatomic system'"”,Physical Review A 86, 016502 (2012)

03). Qingdong Gou and Yong Li, “Weakly bound states of the He-He-Ca triatomic system”,Physical Review A 85, 012510 (2012)

04). Yong Li, Deping Huang, Qingdong Gou, Huili Han, and Tingyun Shi,“Weakly bound states of the He-He-Mg trimer”,Physical Review A 84, 014501 (2011)

05). Hui-li Han, Yong Li, and Ting-yun Shi, “The weakly bound states and resonances of the BeHe2 triatomic system”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 194307 (2011)

06). Yong Li, Wenjuan Zhang, Qingdong Gou, Hongwei Song, and Tingyun Shi,“Search for Borromean states in the He-He-Rb triatomic system”,Physical Review A 82,022515 (2010)

07). Yong Li, Hongwei Song , Qingdong Gou, Huili Han, Tingyun Shi, “Search for weakly bound states of the He-He-Be triatomic system ”, Physical Review A 79,024501 (2009)

08). Huili Han,Yong Li,Xianzhou Zhang,Tingyun Shi, “Binding energy and geometry of e+A (A=Li,Na) by the hyperspherical approach”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 244314 (2008)

09). Huili Han,Yong Li,Xianzhou Zhang,Tingyun Shi, “Calculations for the spectra and structure parameters of rare gas trimers NeAr2 and Ne2Ar”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 154104 (2007)

10). Yong Li, Qingdong Gou, Tingyun Shi, “Halo state in realistic molecular systems”, Physical Review A 74, 032502 (2006)

11). Yong Li and C. D. Lin, " Calculation of the binding energies of weekly bound He-He-H, He-He-H- and He-H-H molecules, Journal of Physics B 32, 4877 (1999)

12). Yong Li and C. D. Lin, "Calculation of some weakly-bound diatomic molecular negative ions", Physical Review A 60, 2009 (1999)

13). Toru Morishita, Yong Li and C. D. Lin, "Visualization of correlations in intrashell triply excited states of atoms", Physical Review A 58, 4214 (1998)

14). Jianguo Rao, Yong Li, Haoxue Qiao and Baiwen Li, "Method to calculate correlated energy of double-electron systems", Physical Review A 55, 2439 (1997)

2. 强外场中里德堡原子的理论研究

01). Zhangli Lai,  Shichao Zhang,  Qingdong Gou and Yong Li, “Polarizabilities of Rydberg states of Rb atoms with n up to 140”,Physical Review A 98, 05250 (2018)

02). Yong Li, Hongwei Song , “Microwave threshold spectra of a Rydberg potassium atom in strong microwave fields”, Journal of Physics B 43, 185002 (2010)

03). Hongwei Song, Yong Li, “Calculation of radial matrix elements and anticrossings for highly excited Stark states using the B-spline”, Physical Review A 78, 062504 (2008)

04). Yong Li and Baiwen Li, "Positions and widths of anti-crossings due to FS interaction for K Rydberg Stark states", Journal of Physics B 30, 547 (1997)

05). Yong Li, Jianguo Rao, and Baiwen Li, "Microwave multi-photon transition of Rydberg potassium atom", Physics. Letters A 221, 65 (1996)

06). Yong Li, Wenyu Liu and Baiwen Li, "Positions and widths for anti-crossings of potassium Rydberg Stark states", Journal of Physics B, 1433 (1996)

3. 量子信息与量子计算的理论研究

01). Zhanjun Zhang, Yong Li, Zhongxiao Man, “Improved Wójcik’s eavesdropping attack on ping-pong protocol without eavesdropping-induced channel loss”, Physics Letters A 341, 385 (2005)

02). Zhanjun Zhang, Yong Li, Zhongxiao Man, “Multiparty quantum secret sharing ”, Physical Review A 71, 044301 (2005)

03). Zhanjun Zhang, Zhongxiao Man, Yong Li, “Improving Wójcik’s eavesdropping attack on the ping–pong protocol”, Physics Letters A 333, 46 (2004)





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